Tuesday, October 21, 2014

A movie for you!

     <<Jerry Maguire>> is an old movie that acted by Tom Cruise in 1996 and it is a story about the sport agent who had gained some reputation with lots of famous clients in a large agency company but he lost everything, including his job, respect and even his fiancee one day because of the mission statement. He was lost in his career as he can't feel anything from the job except the money so he hoped the company can be more humanity by caring their clients more instead of the profits and he tried to convince his company by sending everyone his mission statement. 

     I want to share this movie is because I feel and understand a lot from it. Undoubtedly, we concentrate on the tangible returns or profits too much when we're in the process or even begin we start something that's why we'll get lost on the way and totally forget the meaning of doing something. Failures and difficulties are always happen in the way we try some new things, not even in sports but anything in our lives, not many people can success at once but after many trials. Building up the faith or goal for your own and try to trust yourself, your decision at the first time by thinking positively in the dark time!

     We start everything with a certain meaning behind at the beginning and please hold it tight as this is the core that support us the most and give us the biggest reason to continue until the success. Don't let anything from outside distract you from that meaning or defeat your faith as nothing should able to stop you from doing the right thing! 


  1. I agree this is a great movie! By the way, any recent good movie to recommend?;)

  2. Hi Andie! Thx for reading my sharing and giving your view but I'm sorry that I don't have the recent good movie to suggest at the moment. Let me have a look and I'll share it to you once I've a deeper understanding of any movie. Please keep on following my posts and feel free to comment again=)

  3. WOWOWOW...the design of the blog is wonderful!!!the baby is so cute and it is very attractive.!!!!!!

    1. Thanks Mary. Hope that you will enjoy my blog from the design to the content;)

  4. The film educates us to think about if we can insist our principle when we work in the future. In reality, many people lost their morality and ethics when they grow up. They already forget what is most significant to be a mankind. Actually, lots of thing are more important than money. Look around you, cherish everything you already have.

    1. Thanks Fishball, there are really so many important things out of money and we have to cherish them=)


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