Friday, November 21, 2014

Be inspired from the old film: The Social Network

     Actually this film isn't very old like the last film sharing one month ago, it's picking the book written from Ben Mezrich as the reference and converted to be the film that directed by David Fincher in 2010. The story is about the establishment of Facebook, one of the most popular social network platform around the world, by Mark Zuckerberg who was still at the stage of being an university student of Harvard University but already a genius in program writing.
     There are quite a lot of points for me to reflect on in the film, some are related to my school learning and some are about the friendship handling and commitment things.

     One of the subjects in my learning talks about the public relation of the sports organizations and sometimes the concepts may just be the concepts for me only because what I can do is to analyze the present practices of some sports teams and I can't put myself into them to understand more. However, watching this movie help me realizing the concepts in my lessons more. Mark create the Facebook and become so successful is because he knows what are the needs of his targets so he can combine all the elements and design for them. What's more? He has a clear mission and objectives to help him get in the progress of his business, and he stay focus of the mission without being distract from other thing, such as the profit. That's why he becomes success!

     However, it's just a pity that the only friend of Mark, Eduardo Saverin, which is the co-founder of Facebook, sue for the compensation from Mark due to the betray action. How hard is it to have a friend to support you and your idea without asking to much but Mark just focus on his business and he didn't care or respect the feelings and effort of his friend. Finally he's successful with his business but lose his only friend who just trust him. Is it worth?

     Mark promised the Winklevoss brothers to help them write the program for another social network platform, Harvard Connection, but he broke the promise instead building his own website without noticing the brothers. I personally think that's a big problem because it must be fulfilled once the promise has been made or what is the point of the saying? Most of the relation build on trust and if there is no trust between the relation anymore, it'll just simply break.

     Maybe you will have a different view from me after watching the movie, The Social Network, base on different life experience and I'd love to listen from yours so leave a comment and tell me what's in your mind about this movie. Also, try to figure out what do you want from swimming and set up some goals to help you learn and enjoy it=)

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