Thursday, November 6, 2014

The easy backstroke

     Backstroke is an easy swimming style after you familiar with the floating skill and have practice with the freestyle swimming since they share some similar characteristics. Therefore, it won't be difficult for you to learn it from zero acknowledgement!!

     No more air exchange is needed in this style cause your face will face upward for the whole process but you need to have a good floating skill and add up the arm pull and kicking as the whole set of movement. I can summarize 4 points in backstroke base on my learning experience, here we go:

  1. Mind your body position. If you still remember the floating skill that I've talked before, keep the back straight and the ears should be under the water level.
  2. The turn of your shoulder. Your body can slightly turn to the side which the arm is moving upward as a smoother movement.
  3. Keep the palm pronated when the arm swing back to the water again and push the water for moving forward.
  4. Do the flutter kick as freestyle but this time is a reverse one. The knees shouldn't be out of the water during kicking.
  • Practice with a partner and in a pool without too many people as you may not familiar with the distance so a partner can keep you away from danger.
  • Maintain a slowly breath so the rhythm won't be messed.

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